Sunday, January 10, 2016

Book Review: Seized by Elizabeth Heiter


Author:     Elizabeth Heiter
Publisher:    Harlequin
Release Date:12/29/2015
ISBN - 13:    9780778318620
Review:   4 stars

Evelyn Baine is an FBI agent within the BAU department questioning her place and purpose as a  Profiler, since solving the case of her missing childhood best friend, Cassie. After meeting with Lee Cartwright, who is incarcerated for making and detonating his own specific bomb creations, about bombs which seem to be copy cat bombs of those he used. As she leaves the Montana State Prison, she is confronted by a fellow FBI Agent, Jen Martinez, asking Evelyn for quick Profiler’s opinion on what she believes to be a cult called the “Butler Compound”. Next this Evelyn knows she finds herself in trouble within the Butler Compound, despite her instincts telling her to stay away.

I have many good things to say about Seized, however, I have one issue. While before the book begins Heiter is kind enough to give a cheat sheet of the various acronyms for the different branches which she will use throughout the book. However, unless an explanation is given while reading the book, and occasionally she does, you will have to flip forward to the beginning of the book to look up what the acronym means.

What I love about Seized is very basic. It was a captivating book, which I had a very difficult time putting down until I had it finished. I was sucked into the storyline from the very beginning until the very end. After one storyline was finished, I honestly did not see how Heiter was able to continue the book without filing the rest of the book with drivel. I was pleasantly surprised that she was able to keep the story line going without focusing on one single plot.

Overall, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read and review Seized. It was full of twists and turns and simply a joy to read. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys thriller and or mystery genres but are looking for books without either genre being too intense.

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